Removing Ceramic Window Tint

 If you’ve installed ceramic window tint in your car, you may be wondering if it can be removed. The answer is yes – ceramic window tint can be removed with some patience and the right tools. Let’s take a look at how to properly remove ceramic window tint from your car windows.

Steps for Removing Ceramic Window Tint 

The first step in removing ceramic window tint is to gather the necessary tools. You will need a few pieces of equipment, including a razor blade, ammonia-based cleaner, paper towels, and a squeegee. Once you have all of the necessary tools, begin by cleaning the surface of your window with an ammonia-based cleaner and paper towels. This will ensure that there is no dirt or grime on the glass before you begin removing the film. 

Next, use a razor blade to cut away any edges of the film that are sticking out from around the edges of the window. Be sure to be careful while doing this to avoid scratching the glass. Once you have cut away any excess film, use a squeegee to gradually push back any remaining film on the glass until it has been completely removed. You may need to repeat this process several times on each window in order to get rid of all of the film. 

Finally, clean off any adhesive residue left behind with an ammonia-based cleaner and paper towels and then buff it off with a soft cloth for best results. To finish up, use a microfiber cloth to polish off your windows until they are completely clean and clear again! 


Removing ceramic window tint isn't as difficult as it might sound – as long as you have all of the right tools and follow these steps closely! With some patience and elbow grease, you can easily remove your ceramic window tint and restore your car windows back to their original condition in no time at all. Don't let yourself get intimidated by this task – just arm yourself with knowledge about what needs to be done and dive in! Good luck!
